FANTASIAN Neo Dimension Releasing December 5 Worldwide - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

FANTASIAN Neo Dimension Releasing December 5 Worldwide

Hironobu Sakaguchi’s latest game finally has a firm release date. FANTASIAN Neo Dimension will hit the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S | X and Steam on December 5, 2024. Although developed by Sakaguchi’s Mistwalker studio, Square Enix is picking up the publishing duties for this enhanced version of the game on consoles and PC. Fantasian originally released on iOS, macOS and tvOS via Apple Arcade in 2021. 

In an interview on the PlayStation Blog, the Final Fantasy creator went on to say that he considers Neo Dimension to be “the so-called director’s cut of this game, and I’m very happy to deliver that to everyone.” You can check that interview in full here

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