Switch Best Selling Console of All Time in Japan - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Switch Best Selling Console of All Time in Japan

Although hardware sales are slowing down overall, Nintendo’s hybrid console is still setting records on its home turf. As revealed in the most recent financial earnings report, the Switch has sold through 33.34 million units in Japan to date (as of December 31, 2023) making it the best selling console in Japan of all time. The system jumped both the Game Boy (32.48 million) and the previous top slot, the Nintendo DS (32.88 million), to get there. Below you can find the up to date list of the best selling hardware in Japan of all time. You can find the complete list over at the Game Data Library

all numbers in millions
1. Nintendo Switch (all models) | 33.34
2. Nintendo DS (all) | 32.88
3. Game Boy (all) | 32.48
4. Nintendo 3DS (all) | 24.67
5. PlayStation 2 | 21.23
6. Nintendo Switch (original model) | 20.26
7. PlayStation Portable (all) | 19.63
8. PlayStation Portable (original model) | 19.47
9. Famicom | 19.38
10. Game Boy (original) | 19.24

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