The Famicast 261 - TOKYO HASHI PALS - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Famicast 261 - TOKYO HASHI PALS

Danny and Ty are back to talk about some awesome new games! Not only that, but long time friend and former podcast host Jonny Metts join the crew all live from Japan! First up in New Business, Jonny talks about his trip so far, including meeting up with all of the Famicrew members, adventures in Akihabara, Japanese arcades and a chat about the awesome, and somewhat secret bar in Tokyo, 84 (pronounced, "Hashi"). Getting to the games, the guys discuss Gimmick: Special Edition, Sea of Stars, Palworld and gaming on mobile with a Backbone controller via the cloud. 

After a short break, it's time for the JAPANews! The recent GBA update on Switch, the return of Nintendo Live 2024, a weird Smash Ultimate update for the Spirit board and the death of the Wii U and 3DS are all discussed. Jonny and Ty also bring up some awesome stories from E3s years past. The show closes out with some anime trash, including some (non) trash from Jonny. 

If you're planning on being in Tokyo anytime soon, check out 84-Hashi! Check out the link below if you would like to set up a tour at this awesome hideout!

You can find Jonny's review of Golden Sun from back in 2002 on Nintendo World Report

For those in Japan, be sure to check out our Japan exclusive merch store here:
Alternatively, if you aren't in Japan but want some merch, you can find that here:

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