Side Order Coming to Splatoon 3 in February - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Side Order Coming to Splatoon 3 in February

Side Order, Wave 2 of the Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass, has been dated. Gamers around the globe will be able to play this new single player addition to the game starting on Thursday, February 22. You can see the Japanese and English language trailers for the upcoming DLC below. 
Wave 1: Inkopolis released last year on Tuesday, February 28 and gave players access to a version of the hub world from the original Splatoon (Wii U). The Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass is available on the Switch eShop, the Japanese online My Nintendo Store and at various retailers across Japan via download cards for ¥3,000.
Sources: NCL, Splatoon (NA)

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