Special 18+ Version of N64 App Coming to Switch in Japan Nov. 30 - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Special 18+ Version of N64 App Coming to Switch in Japan Nov. 30

Two Nintendo 64 Rareware classics are making their way to the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack in Japan. Kicking off on Thursday, November 30, Jet Force Gemini (known as Star Twins in Japan) and Goldeneye are scheduled to hit the service. To play both games, users in Japan will need to download a separate “18+” rated version of the Nintendo 64 app on the Switch to comply with the Japanese CERO rating system. The app is currently listed on the eShop and NCL’s online portal (via the My Nintendo Store) but will not be available until both games launch on November 30. Although Goldeneye has been available to users since earlier this year, gamers in Japan have not had the opportunity to play the localized Japanese version of the game. You can see the Japanese trailer for both games below or the screenshot gallery at the bottom of this page. 
Additionally, Nintendo has once again teamed up with the Nintendo Dream magazine to provide some retro articles from 64 Dream for both games. You can check the PDF files for these below.

Goldeneye 007 - 64 Dream Article (October 1997) PDF
Goldeneye 007 - 64 Dream Article (November 1997) PDF
Jet Force Gemini - 64 Dream Article (December 1999) PDF
Jet Force Gemini - 64 Dream Article (January 2000) PDF
Jet Force Gemini - 64 Dream Article (February 2000) PDF
Jet Force Gemini - 64 Dream Article (March 2000) PDF

Goldeneye originally released in Japan in late August of 1997 but did not see the kind of success found in the West. Jet Force Gemini was released as Star Twins in Japan in December 1999, months after the English language release. Last month, Nintendo added Mario Party 3 to the service worldwide and confirmed (at least for Japan) that both 1080 Snowboarding and Harvest Moon 64 will hit the service before the end of 2023. If you want a look at ALL of the games available on the Nintendo 64 app on the Switch (with Japanese box art for ALL of the games), check out our article here.

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