Eastward Coming as October NSO Game Trial to Japan - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, October 2, 2023

Eastward Coming as October NSO Game Trial to Japan

Despite the previous Game Trial winding down just yesterday in Japan, NCL has announced that Eastward will be coming to the service. The trial will kick off next week on Monday, October 9 (noon) and run until Sunday, October 15 (5:59 p.m.). Eastward will also be 50% off on the Japanese eShop from the straight of the Game Trial until Sunday, October 22. This brings the game from Â¥2,800 down to Â¥1,400. Coincidentally, the Game Trial for Eastward in the West is set to finish up in North America on October 3. For more on the game, be sure to check out the trailer below. 
Like mentioned above, the last game trial took place last week in Japan and featured Moonlighter. The October Game Trial marks the 10th Game Trial for 2023 and the 43rd since the service started in Japan. You can find a full list of Game Trial Games for Japan in our article here

Source: NCL, NOA

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