WBSC eBaseball Power Pros Now an Olympic Sport - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

WBSC eBaseball Power Pros Now an Olympic Sport

The discount baseball title from Konami, WBSC eBaseball Power Pros, is going to make its debut at the Olympics…The Esports Olympics. The game is going to be a part of the upcoming Olympic Esports Series 2023, which is hosted by the International Olympic Committee. Qualification rounds begin this month (March) and the finals will take place in Singapore from June 22 to June 25. Nine other sports, including baseball with Power Pros, will be part of the global virtual and simulated event. 

Representatives from Konami went on to say: 

“We are delighted to be able to contribute to the promotion of baseball through our participation in IOC’s Olympic Esports Series. KONAMI is always a proud supporter of development within the WBSC eBASEBALL™ community. By collaborating with the WBSC in their vision to raise the influence of eBASEBALL™ and baseball and softball community globally, KONAMI will continue to promote and support the sustainable development of eBASEBALL™ with the WBSC.”

For more on WBSC eBaseball Power Pros, be sure to check out our review here or the video below. 

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