Pilotwings 64 Coming to Switch October 13 - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, October 7, 2022

Pilotwings 64 Coming to Switch October 13

Pilotwings 64, one of the original launch titles for the Nintendo 64, is finally getting its day in the sun again. The game will release on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Nintendo 64 service on Thursday, October 13. This will be the 19th N64 title to hit the service in Japan. The previous game to release was Wave Race 64 in mid-August. You can see the Japanese trailer featuring tips and tricks for Pilotwings 64 below. 
Per usual, Nintendo has once again teamed up with Nintendo Dream magazine to bring a retro article from 64 Dream back to life digitally in PDF form. There is only one available this time, but it’s pretty comprehensive as it tells players about the Super Famicom version of Pilotwings as well as provide an overview of all the maps, vehicles, techniques and more. You can find that below. 
Pilotwings 64 - 64 Dream Pre Launch Article (July 1996) - PDF

Pillotwings 64 originally released on June 23, 1996 in Japan, followed by a North American and PAL release in September 1996 and 1997. This marks the first time the game has seen a re-release since the initial launch. 

Source: NCL

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