Nintendo Pictures Acquisition Complete, New Website Opens - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Nintendo Pictures Acquisition Complete, New Website Opens

The acquisition of Nintendo Pictures, formerly known as Dynamo Pictures, has been completed as of today, October 3, 2022. The video production company aims to make use of Nintendo games and IP to create visual content. The company previously worked on Metriod: Other M, Persona 5, Death Stranding and others in various capacities (such being involved with motion capture). Additional recruitment is set to start for positions with the company this November. A new website for Nintendo Pictures opened today and currently only available in Japanese.

Dynamo Picture/Nintendo Pictures has been around since March 18, 2011 and is located in Tokyo. As of October 2022, the company has 105 employees. Nintendo Pictures is now fully owned by Nintendo.