Mario Strikers Battle League Merch on My Nintendo Japan - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Mario Strikers Battle League Merch on My Nintendo Japan

With Mario Strikers: Battle League just around the corner, Nintendo has seen fit to add some special merch to My Nintendo Japan. A special multi-purpose bag is available for pre-order right now for 400 Platinum Points and is expected to ship out in late July. The bag has a variety of uses, such as for carrying a change of clothes or shoes for sports outings or travel. Per usual, ¥550 is required for shipping. Up to three Platinum Point “free” items can be added per order. You can see some more images of the bag below. 
The last Platinum Point merch available on My Nintendo Japan was a Nintendo Switch Sports towel back in late April. You can read more about that here

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