Dragon Quest X Offline Hits Japan Sep 15 - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Dragon Quest X Offline Hits Japan Sep 15

The offline version of Square Enix’s MMO finally has a release date for Japan. Dragon Quest X Offline is set to hit the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC on September 15. DLC based on version 2.0 of DQX Online is scheduled to hit in Spring 2023. 

Dragon Quest X Offline was originally scheduled for a February 2022 release before it was delayed in late 2021. There is no word if the title will see a release in English speaking territories as of right now. In the meantime, we think that the title has a relatively good chance of seeing a release in the West. Be sure to check out our article, The Case for Dragon Quest X Offline, here or check out the video version below. 
Source: 4gamer

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