Development Details and More From the Live A Live Event - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Development Details and More From the Live A Live Event

On Friday, May 20, Square Enix held a special Live A Live live event for gamers in Japan. The game’s producer, Takashi Tokita, was joined by composer Yoko Shimomura as well as Japanese comedian Nobuo (Naoya Kawaguchi). Lasting roughly an hour and forty-five minutes, several trailers, direct feed gameplay and in-game songs and even some comments on the game's development revealed. Here are some of the more interesting points from the stream.

Notes on Development
A few interesting tidbits about the game’s development came out of the stream. The Live A Live project is Takashi Tokita’s first time in the role of Producer. Toward the end of the stream, Tokita mentioned “The project itself basically started from zero.” He continued, “We had a team of about 24 people working on the game.” 

Tokita went on to say that since they had such a small team, members would have to take on various roles throughout development. “If the graphic designers were free, we’d burn a ROM of the game and get them to work on some debugging. Up until the end, everyone was going through this whole process basically living at the office. We would only go home about once per week during that period. (laughs) Even though this was my first time in this role, I think we were able to accomplish everything that we set out to do.”

You can see the comments in Japanese in the time-stamped video below. Check 1:39:18 just in case it isn't showing up properly below.

Trailers and Songs
A song featured in the game titled, “Go! Go! Buriki Daioh,” was revealed during the stream. Performed by Hironobu Kageyama, perhaps best known for the Japanese opening theme of Dragon Ball Z (Cha-La Head Cha-La), an English version of the song will also be available in the final release of the game. You can see a preview Japanese version of the song below. 
Some other trailers were played throughout the stream and are now available on Square Enix’s Japanese YouTube channel. You can check them out below. 

*translation by Danny Bivens

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