Splatoon 3 Hitting September 9, Japanese Version No Longer Language Locked - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, April 22, 2022

Splatoon 3 Hitting September 9, Japanese Version No Longer Language Locked

Some release date shifting of another big first party Nintendo title seems to make more sense now. Splatoon 3 is set to launch worldwide on September 9. Pre-orders are currently open for the game in Japan for both digital and physical versions of the game. Per usual for first party titles in Japan, gamers can also opt to pick up a physical version of the game with a download code from My Nintendo. This version features the standard physical package for the game with a download code in lieu of a game cart. 

While Splatoon 2 was obviously released in all regions around the globe on the Switch, the Japanese version of the game was language locked. The only real purpose this seemed to serve was to give Japanese players exclusive Slatfests that were occasionally based around Japanese brands that gamers in the West likely won’t be familiar with. This will no longer be the case with Splatoon 3. The latest release in the series is listed as supporting Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Dutch, Russian, Simplified Chineses and Traditional Chinese.

You can check out some new footage of Splatoon 3 below.

Source: NCL

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