F-Zero X Hitting Expansion Pack Friday - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

F-Zero X Hitting Expansion Pack Friday

The Nintendo 64 library on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack service is getting another classic. F-Zero X is hitting the service on March 11 worldwide. This marks the 11th title to be released for the service in Japan. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask was released in late February. Per usual for the recent Japanese releases on the N64 app, Nintendo is once again providing some retro articles from the 64 Dream Magazine in PDF form. You can check out these course strategies as well as the Japanese NSO trailer below. 
  • 64 Dream - F-Zero X Article/Strategies (August 1998) PDF
  • 64 Dream - F-Zero X Article/Strategies (September 1998) PDF
F-Zero X originally released on the Nintendo 64 in Japan on July 14, 1998 followed by a North American and European release in September and November of the same year respectively. A Japan only expansion for the game hit the 64DD in April 2000. Dubbed the Expansion Kit, this added a stage creator as well as the ability to create your own machines. There is currently no word if the expansion will come to the Expansion Pack service. You can read more about the the F-Zero X Expansion Kit here or check out the video below. 

Source: NCL

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