Neko Tomo February Game Trial for NSO in Japan - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Neko Tomo February Game Trial for NSO in Japan

Neko Tomo (literally meaning “cat friend”), a family friendly game from Bandai Namco featuring a variety of mini-games with kittens, is set to be the next Game Trial for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers in Japan. The game will be available starting Tuesday, February 22 at 12:00 p.m. until Monday, February 28 at 5:59 p.m. (Japan Time). Additionally, Neko Tomo will be 50% off between February 22 and March 7, bringing the price down from ¥5,280 to ¥2,640. The game is only available in Japanese and originally saw a release on November 1, 2018. A free demo is also currently available for the game. You can find the product page for the game here
Neko Tomo marks the second Game Trial in Japan for 2022 and the 24th trial overall. The previous Game Trial in Japan took place in early January and featured Golf Story. If you are interested in checking out Neko Tomo for free, be sure to take a look at our “how to guide” here.  

Source: NCL

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