Majora’s Mask out Feb 25 on Expansion Pack - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Majora’s Mask out Feb 25 on Expansion Pack

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is set to release on the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack next week on Friday, February 25 in Japan. Additionally, and in line with the past few Nintendo 64 releases on NSO in Japan, Nintendo is offering digital scans of Majora’s Mask related content from the 64 Dream magazine. You can find them listed below. 

64 Dream - Majora’s Mask: Dream Hint Book (June 2000) PDF
64 Dream - Majora’s Mask: Dream Hint Book 2 (July 2000) PDF

Majora’s Mask was originally released in Japan on April 27, 2000, nearly six months before it saw a release in North America. There are some slight differences between the Japanese and Western versions of the game. The most notable was the inability to save at the Owl Statues in the Japanese original. After its N64 release, the game has seen life on the GameCube, Wii Virtual Console, Wii U Virtual Console and Nintendo 3DS. 

Source: NCL

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