Japanese Support Confirmed for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Remastered - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Japanese Support Confirmed for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Remastered

Announced at the February 2022 Nintendo Direct, a remastered version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is headed to the Nintendo Switch eShop on April 20. While the game was highlighted in the English speaking Nintendo Direct, it was completely absent from the Direct in Japan. Not only that, but the game has yet to appear on the Switch release schedule as of right now. Oddly enough, the version on the North American eShop will include a Japanese localization. This has been common with the Star Wars titles released on the Switch and has been the case with Star Wars Episode I Racer, Republic Commando and most recently, Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed originally released on the Wii, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PSP and Nintendo DS in September 2008. The Japanese release of the game was pushed back slightly, as the game saw a release in October of the same year thanks to Activision. This remastered version is being developed by Krome Studios with publishing duties being handled by Aspyr. The Force Unleashed Remastered is based on the original Wii release of the game and will feature motion controls and a two player local duel mode with 27 characters to choose from. You can see a trailer for the game below. 

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