Five Titles Mega Drive Titles Coming to NSO Mega Drive in Japan - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Five Titles Mega Drive Titles Coming to NSO Mega Drive in Japan

Five titles are set to hit Mega Drive/Genesis Nintendo Switch Online app today, Friday, December 17 in Japan. As with territories around the globe, the new titles are: 

Japanese Title | English Title
  • Vermillion | Sword of Vermillion
  • Thunder Force II MD | Thunder Force II
  • Jūōki | Altered Beast
  • Dynamite Heady
  • ToeJam & Earl
Access to the titles requires a subscription to both Nintendo Switch Online and the Expansion Pack service. You can see the Japanese versions of the games in the video below. 

Source: NCL

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