Free Karaoke Happening NOW in Japan - September 2021 Details - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Free Karaoke Happening NOW in Japan - September 2021 Details

Karaoke Joysound for Nintendo Switch in Japan is offering another ten days of free songs. Running from Friday, September 3 (10:00 a.m.) until Monday, September 13 (9:59 a.m.), 30 recommended songs will be available to sing for free up to 99 times per day. The complete list of free songs can be seen below. The list of songs for this period are based on some of the most popular songs sung at karaoke between January and July this year. 
Karaoke Joysound has been offering these free promotions for the past several months to users with access to the app via the Japanese Nintendo Switch eShop. To access the free songs, simply go to the “song search” area (曲をさがす in Japanese), then select “Try Songs for Free” (無料お試し曲 in Japanese). To sing more songs, you will need to purchase “tickets,” which start as low as ¥330 for a three hour session. 

Source: NCL

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