Daemon X Machina Set for September Game Trial in Japan - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, September 6, 2021

Daemon X Machina Set for September Game Trial in Japan

The next Game Trial in Japan is none other than 2019’s third person action shooter Daemon X Machina from Marvelous. The title will be available from Monday, September 13 at 12:00 p.m. (Japan Time) until Sunday, September 19 at 5:59 p.m. 

As with many other games that appear on Game Trials here, the digital version of Daemon X Machina will be on sale on the eShop as will the DLC for the game. The game itself will be 65% off, bringing the price down to ¥2,980 while all of the DLC will be 50% off. This version of the game on the Japanese eShop offers full English support. 

This marks the ninth Game Trial released in 2021 in Japan and the 20th since the service began. The last Game Trial title in Japan (and in the West) was Minecraft Dungeons, which was available between August 9 to August 15. 

If you are interested in checking out the game for yourself, be sure to check out our “how to” video here.

Source: NCL

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