Custom Robo Coming to NSO Nintendo 64 Line-up in Japan - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Custom Robo Coming to NSO Nintendo 64 Line-up in Japan

The cat is out of the bag, and the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and, of more interest to us as a Nintendo website, Nintendo 64 are coming to Nintendo Switch Online this October. While many of you checked out the English versions of the September 2021 Nintendo Direct, some of you may have missed out on the Japanese one. While most of the BIG games are going to be the same across regions, there were a few games that were shown off during the Japanese Direct that you might have missed. Here are all of the confirmed games for the service. 

Confirmed for ALL Regions
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64
Yoshi’s Story
Star Fox 64
Sin & Punishment
Mario Kart 64
Mario Tennis 64
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Banjo Kazooie
Mario Golf 64
Kirby 64
F-Zero X
Pokémon Snap
Paper Mario

Japan Only
Custom Robo
Custom Robo V2

North America / PAL Regions
Dr. Mario 64

The addition of the Custom Robo series in Japan is one of the biggest differences across all of the regions. While later games in the series did see releases in the West, the Nintendo 64 games remained locked to the Japanese N64. 

The additional consoles will cost a bit extra on top of the current Nintendo Switch Online membership. More details are coming in late October. Of course, changing over to the new plan from the existing plan is also possible. Online play will ba available here with up to four players. An N64 wireless controller is also set to be sold via the My Nintendo Store as well, retailing for ¥5,478.
Will you be dropping the extra cash to play Nintendo 64 games on your Switch? What games are you looking forward to re-visiting? 

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