Ys VIII Next Game Trial for Japan - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Ys VIII Next Game Trial for Japan

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA will be the next Game Trial title for Nintendo Switch Online in Japan. The game will be available for free from Monday, May 17 (12:00 p.m.) until Sunday, May 23 (11:59 p.m.). Additionally, Ys VIII will be 30 percent off on the eShop from May 17 (12:00 p.m.) until May 30 (11:59 p.m.), bringing the game down to ¥5,374 (from ¥7,678). 

As of right now, there is no word if Ys VIII will be available as a Game Trial in other regions. This will be the fifth Game Trial that Japan has seen in 2021 and the 16th title available on the service since it started. For more information on how to download and play Japanese Game Trial titles, be sure to check out our Game Trials Hub Page and/or our video tutorial on YouTube. 

The version of the game on the Japanese eShop only supports Japanese. Please understand. 

Source: NCL
originally posted 5/13/2021

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