Buddy Mission: BOND Comic | English Translation - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Buddy Mission: BOND Comic | English Translation

Nintendo and Koei Tecmo released a free comic to Japanese gamers recently that covered some of the events of Episode #0 titled, “The Two Heroes.” We’ve take the time to offer the short comic to you all in English below! It’s not perfect (in terms of formatting), but we hope that you can get some enjoyment out of it. 

First Page
Upper Right Label: Buddy x Adventure
Standing Left Text: Raise the curtain on dazzling, nail-biting missions with a buddy!
Lower Text: Character design by Yusuke Murata (Eye Shield 21, One Punch Man)

From here, please click/touch the image to bring up the media viewer. From there, you can read the comic more easily. 

Last Page:
Middle: From character designer Yusuke Murata…You don’t want to miss this exciting over-the-top buddy story!
Right Text: A fierce battle, a break between buddies
Left Text: Just where did the man with the diamond run off to?

Thank you for checking this out! 

Translation by Danny Bivens of The Famicast.

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