Podcast Care Package from the Famicrew - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Podcast Care Package from the Famicrew

First of all, the best advice during this coronavirus pandemic is wash your hands properly, maintain social distancing and self-isolate (if you're showing symptoms), read the full instructions on the official  WHO website.

In the meantime, that means a lot of us are stuck indoors playing games and listening to podcasts, right? As a gift to help pass the time during this tough time, we at The Famicast have decided to give away some of our Patreon-exclusive podcasts until the pandemic has passed.

We're not asking for donations for the show, if you want to donate - give money to a fund to help battle the virus in your country!

Take care of yourselves,

-The Famicrew

Patreon Exclusive Podcast Download Links (right-click, download)

Donate to this organization

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