The Games That Made Us Vol.6 | Danny | Episode 002 - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Games That Made Us Vol.6 | Danny | Episode 002

Welcome to The Games That Made Us, a show all about tracking the video game history of the Famicrew! With each episode James, Danny, Ty, and Sairus regale stories of the games that they played growing up. The games talked about are super secret of course, so no spoilers here!

In Vol.6, Episode 002, join Danny (and co-pilot Ty) as he turns the next page of his gaming history!

The Video Version includes gameplay captured by guys as they replay games from their past (recommended!).
The Audio Version is for if you just want to hear the chit chat and music.

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Twitter: @thefamicast hashtag #FamicastTGTMU

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