Special Patreon Stream: SNES Puzzle Games with Russ [April 2019] - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Special Patreon Stream: SNES Puzzle Games with Russ [April 2019]

Welcome to our very special Patreon stream for April 2019! This month our bestest buddy Russ Greeno requested to play some SNES games online with us! All using 100% legitimate means of course. Well, as legitimate as Nintendo will allow us considering they haven't added SNES to the Switch Online service yet. Russ chose Bomberman 2, Tetris Attack, and the Dr Mario & Tetris double pack on SNES, good times were had! This marks the last of the one-on-one Patreon streams for season 2, look forward to Famicast: Game Night in season 3 where we'll be inviting all our Patrons to a night of gaming debauchery!

<---- Check out our previous one from March 2019 [Overcooked]

JC brought out his old CRT just for the stream

Russ' TV was made by Google in the 1980s

Game 1: Bomberman 2!

Game 2: Tetris Attack!

Game(s) 3: Tetris and....
....Dr Mario - at the same time!

Watch the video right here on Patreon!

Wait, so how do I get to watch this video, it looks awesome!?

Please to be joining our Patreon where you'll get instant access to this awesome video! You also get all our regular (free) videos earlier than everyone else! Get cool new videos, get early access, help us out, win/win right?

If you join Tier Two you get access to our awesome audio podcasts [like Life in Japan this month], as well as our exclusive streams like this one every month!

Check out our Patreon page for full details on our upcoming revised tier rewards, you can even win a prize if you're one of the first five to join in the new season!

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