Nintendo 64DD Content Hub Page - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Nintendo 64DD Content Hub Page

by Danny Bivens

For all things 64DD, you're in the right place. 
Perhaps like many of you out there, when I first heard about the possibilities of what the Nintendo 64DD had to offer, I was simply blown away. With so many cool ideas and games that were in development, teenage me knew that I needed the 64DD. With numerous delays and larger capacity cartridges available to publishers, the system just wasn’t meant to be. By the time the 64DD died, only ten disks (one of which, the Randnet Disk, a web-portal for the N64) were available for the machine and the dream was officially dead.

The purpose of this set of articles and videos is to share the delights, and in some cases nightmares, of the 64DD in video and written form. The focus of these reviews is to tell you what these titles actually are, how they compare to games of the time and if they are still worth playing today. With that said, I am opting not to include scores for the reviews. I hope that the content of the videos and articles will make it clear enough as to how good or bad these titles are without the need of a numbered score at the end.

So, sit back and let’s take a trip back to the Nintendo 64 era.

*note* This page will continue to be updated until we have all reviews/articles published here and on YouTube.

You can check out our YouTube playlist for our Famicast 64DD HQ here or go to the links below for the videos individually.

Articles & Reviews

Release Date - December 1, 1999
Nintendo 64DD [Overview] (written article) (video) (insert disk sequence)
Mario Artist: Paint Studio (written article) (video review)
Doshin the Giant (written article) (video review)

Release Date - February 23, 2000
[NEW] Randnet Disk Overview (written article) (video review) [NEW]
Mario Artist: Talent Studio (written article) (video review)
Sim City 64 (written article) (video review)

Release Date - April 21, 2000
F-Zero X Expansion Kit
(written article) (stream video) (video review) (game intro video)

Release Date - May 2, 2000
Japan Pro Golf Tour 64 (written article) (video review)

Release Date - May 17, 2000
Doshin the Giant: Tinkling Toddler Liberation Front! Assemble (written article) (video review)

Release Date - June 29, 2000
Mario Artist: Communication Kit (written article) (video review)

Release Date - August 29, 2000
Mario Artist: Polygon Studio (written article) (video review)

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