October 2018 Podcast Schedule - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, October 1, 2018

October 2018 Podcast Schedule

Welcome to October Fami-people! This month we have two amazing (FREE!) podcasts for you to enjoy, the first is coming up really soon! The future of cloud streaming us sure to come up in episode 135, watch us live if you can by subscribing on YouTube and hitting the bell icon!

Our Patreon exclusive stuff is also pretty radical this month too! We have another episode of Life in Japan, our least-gamey podcast that we do, as it covers all aspects of living in Japan. Become a Tier 2 Patron or higher to get access to that plus all our past exclusive episodes! (now totalling around 30 shows that only Patrons can download!).
Another Patreon goody is the exclusive stream that we do where we basically sit down and play a game of their choosing and make it into a fun video for the rest of the Patrons to watch! This month we were asked by our best buddy Mark to play Rocket League online with him, so that's exactly what we'll do!

As always, thanks for watching/reading/listening to our stuff, we really appreciate it!

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