BitSummit 2018 - Celebrity Interviews! - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, May 25, 2018

BitSummit 2018 - Celebrity Interviews!

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We managed to get invited to some real big hitter interviews at BitSummit and here they are in all their glory, subtitled into English where necessary!

Hideki Kamiya for Bayonetta 3
TLDR version: He's probably working on The Wonderful 101 for Switch, and a bunch of new IP too.
Transcript here

Suda 51 for Travis Strikes Again
TLDR version: He wants to make No More Heroes 3, but you're all going to have to buy Travis Strikes Again to make it happen!
Transcript here

Dylan Cuthbert for PixelJunk Monsters 2
TLDR version: Dylan loves the Switch, and Q-Games have got a few more Switch games in the pipeline.
Transcript here

Koji Igarashi for Bloodstained
TLDR version: Game Boy Advance screens are bad.
Transcript here

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