April 2018 Podcast Schedule - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April 2018 Podcast Schedule

Wow we finally made it, a full year of Patreon-backed content! We promised two exclusive shows a month and we've kept that promise! At the end of this month there will be three episodes of every single one of our eight spin-off shows, that's 24 exclusive episodes just waiting to be listened to!

Starting next month we will be unveiling Famicast Patreon Season 2, which will have whole new tiers with different rewards and content - exciting times ahead!

As for this month we have our final season one episodes of Super Splat Hour and Life in Japan going live in weeks 2 and 4 respectively. Another Splatfest is just around the corner (nice timing), so expect lots of that plus more cool Splat chat with James and Danny (Sairus' replacement!). Life in Japan will be delving into some deep Japan based chat with the some special non-Famicrew guests!

As for the regular show that will continue to be awesome and free, as will all our YouTube content which as you may know goes live every Famicast Friday - makes sure you're subscribed to make sure you get all our awesome stuff delivered to your eyeballs/earholes as soon as it goes live!

Thank you all for listening / watching us since we went solo, it really means a lot!

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