March 2018 Podcast Schedule - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 2018 Podcast Schedule

Welcome to Sakura season! That's right, spring is almost upon us, we're beginning to thaw out and come from under our heated blankets and face the world again!

Hopefully you've all heard about our new site and YouTube channel feature Famicast Friday by now, amazing new content delivered to your doorstep every Friday, pretty cool right?
It's all free too, the video reviews, the streams, our regular podcast - we give it all to you because we love you!

Speaking of which, episode 121 is coming up real fast, and there will be a BIG, SHOCKING reveal in it, so keep refreshing those podcast feeds to find out what's up!
In week 2 we have another exciting episode Happy Smile Super Challenge Famicast Wish Show, our game show series where we test our (and your) gaming knowledge for fun. Good times guaranteed!
Episode 122 will be quite different from 121 for reasons that will become clear once that one goes live (such secrets!).
To play out the month, episode 3 of Sound Test will deliver fresh tunes to your ear holes with a brand new theme and music trivia to test your musical knowledge!

If you want to support us and help us keep making all this awesome stuff, please consider giving us a few bucks on Patreon, the added advantage for you is that you get those awesome podcasts in weeks 2 + 4!

Much thanking,

-The Famicrew

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