February 2018 Podcast Schedule - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 2018 Podcast Schedule

January was unusually busy for us, what with EVO Japan happening and all! If you missed any of our coverage be sure to check it out, it was like a mini-E3 for us with lots of cool videos and features going down!

Here in February we're ready to start with the long awaited revamp of Super Splat Hour with James and Sairus! Find out what antics the lads got up to during the latest Splatfest, both in audio and video form!
Rounding out the month will be another another glorious  episode of Arm Chair Designers Club with Ty and James (ep01, ep02). What game series will they fix this time? Be sure to find out in week 4!

If you're not interested in joining in on the Patreon fun, then by all means enjoy our equally amazing free regular episodes. If you have any Valentine's Day or Sestubun questions, by all means send them to us in the usual ways!

Email: thefamicast (at) gmail (dot) com
Twitter: @thefamicast

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