The Famicast 111 - GLOVES OFF - Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Famicast 111 - GLOVES OFF

The Famicast is back after a slight delay (blame Danny) to give you more podcasting goodness! James is enjoying Steamworld Dig 2, Ty is playing his usual mix of old/hard games, those being Maldita Castilla EX, The Swapper and of course - Cuphead. Sairus's new business is non-existent, as is Danny's - only one of them has a valid excuse (spoiler: it's not Danny).
If you've been wanting to try out our spin-off shows but haven't had the bones, be sure to listen to our super special giveaway near the end of the show!

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Thank you for downloading and listening! Please send your questions or comments to us on the social media outlets listed below, or comment right here on the website!
Remember, if you want our two bonus spin-off shows every month consider supporting us on Patreon! (Don't worry, the main show will always be free)

Email: thefamicast (at) gmail (dot) com
Twitter: @thefamicast

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