June 2017 Podcast Schedule - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 2017 Podcast Schedule

This month we have two brand new spin-off shows, the first in week 2 is Danny's podcast dedicated to all things looking good on a shelf with his "Collector's Corner" podcast. Regular listeners will know Danny loves to accumulate random Japanese hardware and memorabilia, now he has an outlet to show it all off!

Later in month in week 4 we have a feature-length "Life in Japan" show hosted by James. Does this mean the end of regular Life in Japan segments on the Famicast? No! Quick fire questions about Japan will still be handled on the regular show, but if we get questions that require a bit more research and thought, we'll be giving them a whole show's worth of podcast! Expect special Japan-dwelling guests with expert knowledge in various fields to show up.

Do either of these shows sound interesting to you? For just a few bucks a month you can get access to these, plus all past and future exclusive shows! Check out out Patreon page for all the deets!


ffxi said...

No e3 predictions?

Famicomplicated said...

Yeah I guess ep103 was too packed to fit it in! We are considering doing a website feature on this though, so thanks for bringing it up!