Evo Japan 2018 - Photo Gallery - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Evo Japan 2018 - Photo Gallery

We went. We conquered (?). Here are some of the photos that we took at the show!

 All together for the first time ever! 
Spot the difference!
 Ty and Sai being interviewed for the Twitch Livestream.

 Pokken and a hiding sleeping man. 
 Can you spot a familiar logo here?
 Hopes and dreams are dead.
 All sorts of SNK goodies! 
Gaming on 5G. 
A small taste of the cosplay that was at Evo Japan.
 The Dreamcast was in attendance. 

More Dreamcast fighting fun!  

Our very own Catdrugs (aka Ty) rocking some folks in Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle.

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