Famicast Screen Time: Episode 002 - Marvel Superheroes on Netflix - TheFamicast.com: Japan-based Nintendo Podcasts, Videos & Reviews!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Famicast Screen Time: Episode 002 - Marvel Superheroes on Netflix

Danny and James are back with Famicast Screen Time! This time the guys get together to talk about all of the Marvel Superheroes on Netflix! Join in as they tackle the shows and games that are related to your favorite (or not so favorite!) Marvel heroes!

Wait, how do I get these cool spin-off shows?

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Famicomplicated said...

For those not yet Patrons, let us know your favourite Marvel games on Twitter or by e-mail, we'd love to hear them!

Famicomplicated said...

I found the answer to the Japanese dub question!

Source: Daredevil S02.Ep05

English version: White guy speaking Japanese on phone to some Japanese businessmen (Elektra's meeting scene), later a Japanese dude speaks some English to Elektra.

Japanese version: Everyone is speaking Japanese, white guy's awful Japanese lines have been re-done by a genuine Japanese voice actor